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Hello here are some terms and conditions.


Access must be available for setting up usually about 1 or 2  hours.


Adequate space must be available.


Working long hours my crew will  need refreshments.


If there is an extended playing time payment will continue to rise as per normal fees.


Client will be liable for any theft or damage to equipment.


Client is responsible for licence to be in place at the venue.


Electricty supply to be sufficient.


Cancellations within 7  days of the event will incur full payment.

We will conduct ourselves correctly.

We can take requests but mainly in advance as to purchasing required music if i havent already got it.

We will not tolerate any abuse or violent behaviour and have the right to withdraw without returning payment and no further compensation will be paid out.

If in the event of our equipment failure a full refund will be issued

We may take photos for our promotional purposes and may show peoples faces but you must inform us if certain people dont wish this.

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